There’s Always Another Option

This past week includes a slide from my recent presentation that shows different options we have to treat pain. I also came across an article on the term “disability” and the negative connotations it has in our society. Below you’ll find both the slide and the article along with my thoughts on their implications.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed below are those of Mark Pew, Senior Vice President of Product Development and Marketing, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Preferred Medical.


Pain Management

Treating pain is different for everybody. Below are many different options to try when managing chronic pain. Some are widely accepted while others are considered “alternative”, with some payers still resistant to reimbursement. Still others are old-fashioned common sense. 

Mark’s Thoughts:
Since not everyone can be with me in San Diego on Oct 10 or Sacramento on Oct 12 or Fresno on Oct 17 or San Francisco on Oct 19, here’s my bottom line PPT slide about treating pain. In order to #CleanUpTheMess, we need a #BioPsychoSocialSpiritual treatment model that accommodates #AllOfTheAbove. I’ve been “preaching” this for awhile…

Do all of these work for everybody? No. Do any of these work for everybody? No. Do each of these work for somebody? Yes. Are combinations required for some people? Yes. Do some replace others (e.g. combination of CBT,, deep diaphragmatic breathing and stretching exercises replace opioids)? Yes. Could finding the appropriate options for an individual at this point in time require some trial-and-error? Yes. Will the same combination of options work for the same person for the rest of their life? Probably not. In other words…This is complicated. The more simplistic the answer by a provider the more a patient should question it because there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to managing chronic pain. The paramount goal is to equip the patient with the tool(s) that increase/maintain function and quality of life where the benefits exceed the risks.

Dude, Don’t Dis My Ability

The term disability is used very often in the workers’ compensation industry. However, the full impact of the word is often overlooked. With the potential negative connotation, it is time we reevaluate.

Mark’s Thoughts:
How do people live abled, focused on what they CAN do, overcoming difficult circumstances, paying it forward to others not as far along? It depends. Upon the individual. At that point in time. #WordsMatter and pre-pending “dis” to anything is a DISmotivator. Read Bob Wilson’s article (link above). Then read it again. Then print it and put it in your office and on your bathroom mirror at home. Use it as your laptop/smartphone wallpaper. The only way to #CleanUpTheMess is using a #BioPsychoSocialSpiritual treatment model that leverages #AllOfTheAbove for an individual.That approach to treatment and payment has NOTHING to do with “dis”.


To read everything on my mind this past week, please visit me on LinkedIn at

Until next week,