Medical Cost Containment

Workers’ Compensation Medical Cost Containment Services

Bill Review Services for Workers’ Compensation Claims

Bill review is a key component to ensure you only pay for compensable workers’ compensation claim expenses and keep claims in-network. Our experienced bill review specialists make it easy for you to reduce paperwork while streamlining expenses. We use a combination of analytics, technology and process workflows to deliver quantifiable savings. Benefits of Preferred Medical’s Bill Review Services include:

  • Tailored bill review services specific to the needs of the payer
  • Repricing both in-fee schedule and non-fee schedule states
  • Identification of duplicate bills, as well as excessive and unrelated charges
  • Analysis of complicated bills by a medical claims consultant or clinician, including cases where there are multiple surgical bills
  • Review out-of-network bills to validate eligibility and accuracy. We then work to push the bill in-network and apply appropriate network or state discounts, whichever is lower.
  • PPO network savings
  • Extensive reporting, including PPO penetration, state-by-state savings, and explanation of review

Comprehensive PPO Services

Preferred Medical offers comprehensive PPO services to alleviate hassles and make it easier to control physician and hospital expenses. Our PPO services include:

  • Current, accurate contractual repricing with electronic PPO bridges
  • Needs analysis
  • Client-specific PPO network hierarchy
  • Full maximized national network
  • Quality checks through annual reviews

Contain medical costs with Preferred Medical.

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